Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I play solitare frequently and have been trying for over two years to win a game.  It has been illusive and sometimes downright madening when you think you are on the right track and find that it is one more time that the machine beats you.  I should be used to that as I played poker on the casino machines for years and it was rare to win, but once in a blue moon I did, and believe it or not, I finally won a game of solitare and took a picture to prove it.  Of course that was a month or so ago and I had forgotten all about the picture until I went sleuthing for a picture for the blog this morning.  There is was and here it is....my win....haven't done it again and it may take another year or two but half of the fun is in the trying.  
On a recent ride along the highway I took this picture out of a car window and it reminded me of the grass in my back yard, although the grass in my back yard is no where as thick and dense as this hillside.   It does have the same color though and browns, tans and yellows are in season and all I can think to do with it is to tear it up and cement in the yard area . . . but then that wouldn't work as the weeds would grow between the seams of the cement and there I would be with one more thing to complain about.     It would be nice to have  a man around the place . . . yeah, I'm humming again . . . old friends, Hobie and Clarence, and Pa would be the ones to invite into my yard but they are tending the Garden Gates and didn't leave instructions behind.    How come some of us are born with purple thumbs while others have those wonderful green thumbs and can grow anything including lush green grass.    Oh well, it does have a bit of beauty all its own.

So today, it's Tuesday all day, if you are bored and have nothing to do, go out into the garage, or the shed, and find yourselves some garden tools and get busy.    Mow the grass even though it is not a luscious green.   Give it a good sprinkle and let it soak in . . . aha, that is what is missing from my garden duties, I'm trying to save on water and have found a way to colorless grass . . . didn't think I knew how, did you?   Don't forget to pull up those dandelions which are spreading as their yellow heads reach up and out to the prevailing winds.   I have some at least a foot high and multiplying.    Give it a treat or a treatment and I do know that humming helps.   Lighten the load you are carrying and chase a butterfly even if you do not have a net . . . it is good for a laugh and you know what laughter does for us.    Seconds are important, use them as if they were treasures, come to think of it they are.   Hugs to all.

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