Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A Candle

What it is about the glow of a candle that can make you feel ?  A bit of wax in a small container, or a large taper in a special holder gracing your dinner table or sitting in an iron framed sconce waiting for the strike of a match to bring light and comfort into our hearts.   This particular one is a reminder that so many folks have cancer.   They fight daily to just exist as they pray for a cure so they can enjoy today.    My friend, Tanie spent the last ten years of her life fighting lung cancer and she was a tiny, petite, lady with a sense of humor and a love of life.   She tried four long sessions with chemotherapy but finally lost the battle this year.  Her birthday is coming up this week and she isn't here to celebrate or to tease about being the cutest, but her spirit is here and when you look at this particular 'cancer' candle, stop and offer up a little prayer for her soul and the soul of the thousands that have fought the battle and hope that this candle will remind you to keep them in mind.   There are thousands who have fought the battle and won.   Survivors all, who ask you to keep this candle going in hopes of a cure for cancer and the other autoimmune diseases that ravish those we love. So light a candle often and keep them all in mind.
Here is a little cartoon to brighten your day.  I know you have had heat in your lives this summer and we are just about to get our first taste of summer heat.  We have been very lucky to stay within the fifty to seventy degree days with mist and fog and even a bit of rain, but, all good things must come to an end and we are about to have our week or ten days of hot.  We complain but to no avail, summer on the coast is here.

So today, know there is little you can do to change the weather but there is a lot you can do to change your attitude.   Decide early in the day that this one is going to be the best one yet.   Who knows what is in store for us today.   Maybe you will get an invitation to lunch, or maybe you will get a telephone call and some loving words or a message that someone you care about is coming for a visit.  If it is hot, find yourself a shady nook and stay quiet.   I'll leave you with a cute joke that came in last evening on the e-mail about an old woman sipping a glass of wine while sitting on the patio with her husband.   She says out loud, "I love you so much.  I don't know how I could ever live without you."   Her husband looks at her and asks, "Is that you or the wine talking?" She replies, "It is me talking to the wine." . . .  See, attitude is everything.   Make your seconds count today all day.  Hugs to all.

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