Tuesday, July 19, 2011


The captions are missing,sorry, as they were all laughable, as are the headlines themselves.   You will just have to come up with some thoughts of your very own.     The ten commandments are up for grabs according to this headline.  You can pick and choose the ones you wish to follow.    If I remember correctly the caption on this one said something to the tune of "I didn't know we had choices."   
Now this one says that there is need for a theme for National Poison Prevention Week . . . 50,000 calls about potential poisonings. . . did they take the skull and crossbones off the labels?
What can I say?    There must be more than one way to show appreciation, maybe he just used his one arm to salute and everyone would know he was thankful . . . as long as all fingers were attached.
This sounds like a headline from one of our recent newspaper stories.     Wonder if they sent some of these along with the government issues that went to the drug lords.    The headlines do capture the imagination.
Duh, of course, what did the expect to find?
and the last one had some kind of words about nineteen being the last of teen age pregnancies . . . you know, comes twenty, twentyone etc.,    well it takes brains to come up with headlines.    What if it were your job, go back to the beginning and see what you can come up with.  Let your
sense of fun kick in and enjoy a chance to laugh out loud.

So today check out the headlines as you pass by a newspaper stand.    The headlines of today are nothing to laugh about unless we can find an editor with a sense of humor.     This would be a great time to add some of those political cartoons, but then I might be carrying the messages too far and you most likely are avoiding them like the plague as you try hard to avoid all the negativity that is spewing about from all directions about everything there is in our world.    Stop by and light a candle, share a hug and look for someone with a smile on their face.     Look in the mirror before you leave for the day, smile, see how beautiful you are . . . share that smile today and bring a little laughter and sunshine into all your seconds today.     Hugs to all.

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