Friday, July 29, 2011

Off to more of the Fair

Here is tatting at its best.   A very old craft in which a shuttel is used and fine lace is made.   A craft that I could not conquer, or maybe I just didn't practice enough as, like the sewing machine, I just couldn't make anything that looked like anything that was not dragged in my an old cat.  All of the pieces were intricate and beautiful.  All I can tell you is that it takes patience and agile fingertips.
This guy stood in a corner looking pretty smug.  The winner of the scarecrows.   There was a whole family of them off to the side, but this guy took the blue ribbon.
Bouganviellia in all its beauty.   Unusual and very beautiful.   I'd like a bush in my yard, wouldn't you?
The theme this year was Pigs and Parrots.  Wonder who thought that up?   This was the winner of the floral booth and it was well done.  Very colorful with a bush of a slender fern.
This was an unusual setting, several heads were shown with different 'hats' and this particular one had flowers that looked like red peppers.  I have no idea what they are but it was a winner.
What are these?   How exotic!   Unusual and another winner.
The bubble was something new and something I have never seen before.   The children were having a ball.  They were moving around and the ball was turning and they were giggling for all they were worth.   It might have been fun to try but you know it would sink if I tried to get into one of those floating orbs.
Here are La Verne and Jim, my neighbors, who were out washing windows, so I stopped and showed them the pictures in my camera and they had a chance to see a bit of the fair.

Here is Jock, standing proud beside a young man he taught to shoot his first turkey.  Jock teaches a class on gun safety and helps many a young person learn the correct way to handle a gun.   This young man used the turkey feathers and made them into a blue ribbon winner at the Fair.    
A war bonnet.    Very beautiful and attractive.  It took a lot of work and imagination to bring it to life, and a Blue Ribbon to bring smiles of pride in accomplishment.   Yes, I'd have goose bumps too.    We don't often think about the good things happening in our lives but here is a first hand story of a man who takes the time to teach the next generation of children all about safety and a young man who was willing to listen.   

So today, think about your talents and think about some way of sharing it with the younger folks.   There are so many that need some attention and a bit of love from someone who cares.    Make your seconds count today and if you do not have a talent to share, then share a hug or too, that works.    Hugs to all. 

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