Friday, July 22, 2011

Current Reminders - Politics

  The P.S. for today:   Hot off the press:  Smile . . I am on camera, ha.ha.    scare tactics and it could work .  Wonder how I could adjust to street living . . .me afraid of the dark . . . um . . . I'll give this a lot of thought just in case there is no agreement . . . ah. . . but there will be . . . maybe one we do not like but you can rest assured politicians are 'out there' and we are heading for the poles . . . taking any bets?
Good morning.    I would imagine each of you are as tired of all the posturing and lack of leadership from our President Obama to the entire slate of  Representatives and Senators all sworn to uphold the Constitution and keep America on the right track.   It seems they have all decided to be the engineer of a train going nowhere.  At least you can give the political cartoonist a pat on the back for keeping up apprised to what is going on.  Those closed door sessions don't give up much.

   I was reading an article in our local newspaper yesterday and the columnist was talking about love.    In it there was a comment by Eric Fromm from his "The Art of Loving" and a quote, "Without love, humanity could not exist for a day.  Love is the answer to the problem of human existence."   then added . . . "There is hardly any enterprise which is started with such tremendous hopes and expectations which fails so regularly."  Another quote, "Love is an action, the practice of a human power which can be practiced only in freedom and never as a result of compulsion."   Do you think we should put those on "Face Book" and maybe, just maybe the leaders will read that they need to remember they are "their brothers keeper"  and most of all each one of them has sworn on a bible, not sure about Obama, that they would accept the responsibility of the duties of their office.     Now it is time to prove it.

So today is Friday, so close to a new weekend.   What are you going to do with yours?     If you are living where the heat wave is playing havoc with your bodies, remember to keep cool and calm and go enjoy a movie in an air conditioned theater or just stay inside and call a friend to join you for a pizza and a movie at home.     Here on the coast we are having a bit of fog this morning so it is 'cold' at this time of day.   I am sitting by my open bedroom window and the air is cold but I am not going to close it as it is bringing in cool and later we are to get a bit warmer, seventy-three I heard.     I am crowing, sorry about that, as I know some of you are having a bad time with the constant heat.   Paula tells me in Arkansas they have had weeks of one-hundred degree days and even the swimming pool water is too warm to enjoy.    So I will quit teasing and get serious and end with a quote to remind you to love one another . . . just because you can.  "Love is an art, such as medicine, music or mime."   or, " A delight in the presence of the other person and an affirming of his value and development as much as ones own." and last, but not least, "The capacity to love pre- suppose self awareness, because love requires the ability to have empathy with the other person, to appreciate and affirm his potentialities-Love also presupposes freedom,certainly love which is not freely given is not love."  Hopefully all the leaders will remember how to love this great country of ours and all of us too.  So while you are waiting for the other shoe to drop, love one another.   Hugs to all.

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