Monday, July 4, 2011


Good morning on the Fourth of July holiday . . . July 4, 2011 . . .

There will be a lot of smiling faces today as some towns hold a parade , most will have firework displays and no doubt there is a lot of hot dogs cooking on a grill along with a hamburger or two.    Way back in my early days, the Fourth was celebrated with the first crop of new peas and salmon.  It was a traditional dish.   I had some new green beans given to me this week, not peas, but will cook them up with that piece of fresh salmon and that will be a tasty treat.   My neighbor La Verne brought over some brownies she made and there is some vanilla ice cream in my freezer, so I would say I am ready to celebrate.    Maybe "Yankee Doodle Dandy" will be on TV, the movie in which  James Cagney danced across a stage.

I had an e-mail yesterday that said, "Remember to toast the signers of the Declaration, who pledged their lives, fortunes and their sacred honor 235 years ago."     So do that!    Along with those words came a copy of the Declaration of Independence and it was an excellent read . . . some I remembered, some I had forgotten or never took the time to read it all.   Take the time to read it when you can, a masterpiece to take pride in and remind us that our freedom came about at a 'big' price.  

So today, go about your celebrations in style.     Remember to keep a song in your heart, seems that was a theme and words Lawrence Welk said for years as he made noises of a cork in a champagne bottle and let the bubble take to the air. . . good idea, champagne and orange juice, a mimosa, raise your glass in a toast today and have a wonderful time as you sing or hum . . . "America, America, God shared His Grace with Thee, and crowned they good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea . . ."
  Hugs to all.

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