Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Good morning.    It is possible to take a thousand pictures and the saying goes that a picture is worth a thousand words, well I think words added to a picture says a lot more and it does bring about a reason to smile.    Politics in all its glory.   The biggest disappointment for me was that Joe Biden, a front runner in the 2008 elections, came across as a man of integrity,  with a few good ideas but soon forgot all his ideas and ideals to accept the office of the Vice President.   I often wonder just what the Vice President does.   So far as soon as they are sworn in they seem to disappear behind the scenes and become almost ghost like, a shadow of the person they are.    We live in high hope that the candidate we vote for will say what he or she means and live up to it once they get into office.   More times, than naught, they bask in their new position and immediately forget why they ran for office.    There must be something in the woodwork that stymies the brain and sends it on the road to 'power' and they forget who they are suppose to represent.  It never fails.  I had a wonderful friend who believed that you should never vote for an incumbent.   His philosophy was that the new guy had to take time to learn his way around before he joined the 'crowd' and started to gouge and become greedy.     How sad, as each individual running for office, not matter what, has the need and want to change things for the better and make America stronger  . . .so what happened???  

I had an e-mail today I wish I could have copied and put on the blog as it was a history lesson from 1939 Austria.   I didn't know that the  Austrians actually all voted for Hitler.   What a snow job was done and what a horrible outcome some of them lived through while a million or more were put to rest without a tear from the world. We have all heard that history has a way of repeating itself and the road we are on right now seems to parallel the history of the  world in 1939.   

So today, Tuesday all day, a good day to raise your voices in a prayer for all of us.    Life begins within your own four walls so today make up your mind that you are going to be on your best behaviour and do something you haven't done in awhile . . . a good deed;  a prayer;  light a candle; hug an enemy and smile while you do it,and don't forget to remember the astronauts and the space program that held us in awe and is no longer.   Hugs to all.

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