Thursday, July 28, 2011

To Freeze or not to Freeze!

Good morning.    The computer is doing a freeze this morning when I try to bring up the photographs.   I can write but I can't get the blogger and icons to show.    Something new and different and ,of course, very frustrating.  With all of the modern techniques and all of the electronic byways to tread on, perfection is not here yet and probably never will be.    The answer to all problems concerning the computer is to make a different type and buy new but that is for the rich and those that have the know how; the rest of us have to have the patience of Job and the heart of a lion.    Why can't we have a made in America well built computer that will last a life time.  Why can't they make a computer that can have an added part or two, or even an addition if you want to go into something so called bigger and better . . . why can't we just have a really good working machine that gives us the freedom to communicate.  Oh well, life is not fair . . . and we have heard that over and over.    Speaking of fair, just had a thought pop into my mind about the Washington D. C. boys and girls who are threatening all of us with no checks for Social Security recipients.   You know the money we paid into our account so we would be able to retire with a little added money to our retirement and not live like paupers . . . well, threatening us and the military families and Federal retirees may be the name of the game but how come they still get their salaries?    Where is that money coming from?     So I am left with a lot of thoughts this morning, having to wait to unfreeze and several thoughts on how to vote this coming election . . .

So today, I hope your computer doesn't freeze up on you.   I hope that good news comes out of D.C. and the posturing is over and done with.     I hope that each of you will remember the good old days when everything was made in America and lasted forever, well at least more than a year or two . . . and we did have an occasional real true honest politician in the White House . . . don't stop dreaming and keep working at fixing the problems, as for me, I'm off to the  County Fair with my camera.  See you tomorrow hopefully with pictures I can post.    Make your seconds good ones....Hugs to all.

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